Key #1
Utterances, Revelations and Perceptions
Know that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is to possess us so that we are to be continually full of His utterances and revelations and divine perception, so that we may be so remarkably controlled by the Spirit of God that we live and move in a glorious sphere of usefulness for His Glory.1Key #2
Resurrection Power
Remember, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is resurrection. If you can touch this ideal with its resurrection power, you will see that nothing earthly can remain.2Key #3
His Plan
But when He gets total control of us, what a plan for our lives! What a wonderful open door for God! Oh, friends, we must see this ideal in the Spirit! What shall we do? Do? You dare not do anything but „go through.“ Submit to the power of God. If you yield, other people will be saved.3Key #4
Know the Revealer
And while I say so much about the Holy Spirit today, I withdraw everything that does not put our Lord Jesus Christ in the place He belongs, for when I speak about the Holy Spirit, it is always with reference to the revelation of Jesus.4Key #5
Preparing the Place
The Holy Spirit never comes until there is a place ready for Him. The Holy Spirit can only come into our bodies, His temples, when they are fully yielded to Him… On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit could not come until the apostles and those who were with them in the Upper Room were all of one mind and one heart, all of „one accord“ (acts 1,14) with each other and with God.5
An diesem Punkt sehe ich auch eine andere Wahrheit. Vermutlich ist niemals jemand ganz vorbereitet, ganz heilig und ganz hingegeben. Gott erfüllt auch unvollkommene Gefässe, weil er sonst keine Gefässe hätte, die er erfüllen könnte. Ich bin sicher, dass Smith diese Wahrheit auch gekannt hat, denn er war mit der Gnade Gottes wohlvertraut. Allerdings enthebt uns die Gnade nicht der Notwendigkeit, uns weiter auf Gottes Herrlichkeit vorzubereiten. Ich stelle es mir so vor, dass wir immer mehr von Gott empfangen – proportional zum Grad der Hingabe an ihn in unserem Leben. Je enger wir mit Jesus leben, umso mehr seiner Gegenwart können wir tragen.
Key #6
The „Babe Spirit“
Jesus said, „I thank you father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes“ (Matthew 11,25). This is the mind and plan of God for all who desire to seek the Holy Spirit… If you have the „babe spirit“ this afternoon and will yield to God and let Him have His way, He will fill you with the Holy Spirit.6
- Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 94 [↩]
- Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 96 [↩]
- Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 98 [↩]
- Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 101 [↩]
- Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 103 [↩]
- Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 106 [↩]
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