28. Mai 2008 12
Mitschrift der Prophetie über Deutschland
Victor Dewsbery hat mir eine Mail geschrieben an der eine Mitschrift der Prophetie Todd Bentleys über Deutschland anhing. Ich darf sie bloggen. Danke Victor! Die Prophetie ist auf englisch, falls jemand sie übersetzt, schick mir bitte einen trackback, ich möchte sie hier auch reinstellen. Die Frau von Victor war an dem Abend in Lakeland, sie steht bei der Prophetie über Südafrika hinter Todd.
Todd Bentley (evening session 14 May 2008, starting time 01:52:45)
I saw something in the Spirit today. There was a group of young people that came up to my table – I was in the Bob Evans restaurant having breakfast, and I was on the cell phone and my associate, David T, said you can’t talk to Todd right now, and they said: Oh, but we’re so hungry, we’re from Germany, and Todd said to „‚come get some“, and David said, You know, Todd’s not going to do it right now in the restaurant, I’ll see if God speaks to him. So I went back to the place where I’m staying, and the Lord said: Yup, I’m talking to you about those people from Germany that you saw in the restaurant this morning, because a great revival is coming to the streets of Germany, right in the market place, a great healing revival, it’ll be another Jesus Woodstock, and there’ll be great healing festivals all over Germany, and I saw the power of God breaking out, even in the café shops, and the Lord told me to pray for that group of young people, I didn’t even meet them in the restaurant, but they’ve been in my spirit ever since this morning.
So if you’re in the arena right now I want you to get up here right now and „get some“. That group of young people from Germany, I saw you in the restaurant today, I want you to get right up on this platform right now, cos I’m prophesying, a great revival is breaking out in the streets of Germany, even in the cafés, and the young people, the revival, the life of the revival in Germany, it’s going to be young people, and you can’t hold the young people back.
In Germany the fire of God is going to fall and they’re going to light up the streets of the cities, I’m telling you, get ready to hear stories of revival breaking out in the streets of Germany, especially the young people. Now some of these ones I didn’t see in the restaurant, but if they’re from Germany, I’ll take you the second wave. But one requirement: you have to have gotten on an airplane to fly here from Germany. I don’t mean that you’re German, you came from Germany.
I’m telling you right now if you’re watching us, wherever you are in the world, I’m going to specifically call out some places that I saw the fire fall today. And I’m telling you today, when you begin to proclaim it, it begins to take place. And what I proclaim today may be different than what I proclaim tomorrow, and what I see on Saturday in the fire service may be different than what I see today, but God is beginning to speak to me, where the fire is going, we’re beginning to see key cities, and even key nations, that are about to carry this fire back, and we’re prophesying revival, and when we speak the word it’s going to break out, and all it takes is one hungry young man, one hungry ministry, one hungry church to say: That’s me, that’s my nation, that’s my city, that’s my church, that’s my ministry, and take the fire and start a fire.
Now you can only have this anointing if you are ready to go back and lay hands upon every young person in Germany that you meet that wants what’s happening in Florida. How many of you know somebody that wants this anointing when you get back? Is there anybody that wants this anointing when you get back? Is there anybody that wants this anointing when you get back? And if I lay hands on you and God puts the fire in your hands, I want you to take it to every young person that you meet in every school, every university, every college campus, every youth group and every church. And I want you to tell them: I’ve just got back from Florida, and if you can believe me, I’ve got the fire, and if I lay hands on you, if you’ll receive the fire and if you’ll spread the fire, then you can have it too.
But you’ve got to have faith. What are you going to do with the fire?
You going to spread the fire? (Yes.) BAM. You want the fire? (Yes) BAM. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM.
(Girl with blue T-shirt) You’ve got a special gift of miracles. A gift of miracles. A gift of healing in your hands. Let me see your other hand. Are you a little nervous? Cos your hands have got something all over it there, may be the oil of the Holy Ghost. All over you.
FIRE in Jesus‘ mighty name.
Come on, I’m telling you, I saw some things today.
(People waiting at the side of the stage) Is that all Germany? Look at how many people have come from the nations of the world. Germany is in the house! I’m telling you, you think the Jesus movement was something. There’s something like that coming to Germany. And the young people are radical and ready for the fire, and you can’t hold them back. I want to bring them up here real quick, come on, bring them up real quick, we’ve just got a few moments, move across this platform. Come on, the fire’s burning, get up here, get up here, get up here. You want the fire? „I believe“ – I like those shirts. come on, I like those shirts
Let me tell you what I saw, the fire. I had an open vision of this, within the last five days and I said: God, I don’t know if I’m really seeing this. And then I saw it again. I saw it again. (Gisela stands behind Todd, from 01:58:32) And the Lord told me, there are people here tonight from South Africa that are going to receive this anointing. And this anointing is going to South Africa, the southern tip of Africa is on fire. And I saw five places in Cape Town receive the fire of God. I don’t even know if there’s anyone in the arena from Cape Town. But I saw the fire falling in Cape Town, five particular areas of Cape Town South Africa exploding in a massive healing revival.
You want the fire? You want the fire? Is this all of Germany? You all got on a plane and flew here? You don’t live in America?
(Lays hands on people) Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord,. Germany’s hungry, Germany’s hungry. Fire of God, fire of God, fire of God (Gisela!) Fire of God, fire of God. Come on, who’s praying for Germany, you know they need a move of God. You know they need a mighty revival.
It’s been in my spirit since this morning. I had a re-occurring vision today. And there were people lighting fires all over the streets of Berlin. In those cafés out on the streets. That’s where the greatest miracles were taking place, right in the market place. And there were so many young people, that were like Peter and John, and there were cripples from birth being healed, right in the streets of the city. Right in the open squares, and there was open preaching and open festivals. Who’s got a vision for that? Who’s got a vision for that? You got a vision for that? You got a vision for that? Fire of God! Fire of God! Fire of God (Lays hands on people).
You got a vision for that? Fire of God.
Pick him back up. He wants the knee. Fire of God
Fire of God, Fire of God (Pieter + Gidon) Fire of God
Lord let it burn, let it burn, let it burn.
How many of you are praying for fire? Don’t be a spectator. I don’t care where you’re watching me in the world right now. I’m telling you right now, there are places on the earth that are ready to explode, and whether or not I see it, whether or not I call it out, doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. But when you decree a thing, its established, and it’s proclamation right now, but after the proclamation there’s got to be an intercession, come on! You’ve got to lift up your voices, pray for your city, pray for your church, pray for your nation: My God, let the fire fall!
(South Africa, other revival centres, transmission to Arab homes etc.)
10 Kommentare
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[…] Aus der Ferne können wir nicht alles in Lakeland beurteilen. Aber unser In-Meiner-Strasse-Gebet ist … in die Strassen und Cafes in Berlin !! Davon träumen wir seit langem: Unser Gebet für Berlin: In jeder Straße Berlins (Video aus Lakeland) oder hier die Mitschrift der Prophetie. […]
[…] Aus Lakeland: Prophetie für Berlins Strassen Veröffentlicht in Juni 10, 2008 von strassenpastor Gottes Wirken in die Strassen und Cafes in Berlin ! > Todd Bentley in Lakeland über Berlin (als Video) und die > Mitschrift der Prophetie. […]
Pater-Brown schrieb am
28. Mai 2008 um 10:23also die ersten 4 Absätze hab ich schonmal übersetzt, wenn ich heute noch mal Zeit habe, versuche ich auch den Rest zu übersetzen….
storch schrieb am
28. Mai 2008 um 10:50wow. vielen dan, pater-brown!
Daniel schrieb am
28. Mai 2008 um 22:04Ähm Pater Brown, kannst Du mal den Link zu Deinem blog posten?
Wally schrieb am
29. Mai 2008 um 04:34Ich habe sie auf DVD komplett aufgenommen.
Also ich tue was dafür (=Handeln), damit die rüberschwappende Erweckung dann in Berlin nicht nur als Zuschauerin an mich vorrüberzieht.
Pater-Brown schrieb am
29. Mai 2008 um 10:17ähm, leider nicht. Das liegt aber auch nur daran, dass ich keinen Blog habe. Die Übersetzung habsch jetzt mal zu storch gesendet, damit er sie hier postet.
storch schrieb am
29. Mai 2008 um 10:59kannst du mir die mal kopieren, wally?
Daniel schrieb am
29. Mai 2008 um 23:12@Pater Brown, cool Du bist ja Sachse! (ich bin’s zur Hälfte auch). Danke für’s übersetzen! echt super!
@Wally: kannst mir die DVD schicken, wenn ich Dir das Porto schicke? Hier meine Adresse: daniel ett patchworking punkt de
Pater-Brown schrieb am
30. Mai 2008 um 03:09hmm, merkt man allein an dem „habsch“, dass ich ein Sachse bin?
Daniel schrieb am
30. Mai 2008 um 09:10mach Dir keine Sorgen 🙂 Das merkt man nur, wenn man den Slang gut kennt. Ich komme ursprünglich aus Dresden.
Wally schrieb am
30. Mai 2008 um 23:10ja sicher, mache ich gerne. Ich schau mal wegen der DVD noch und werde euch noch demnächst antworten, sobald ich weniger zu tun habe.
Bis bald.
lg Wally