Archiv für das Schlagwort englisch

Thanks to Jon a new translation is online. Check it out: Prayer Series Part 3.

Jonathan has started to translate the prayer-series into english. Thanks for that! The first translation can be found here. As always I am still looking for translators so if you like the „beauty of simplexity“,  speak english and would like to try out on a translation, please drop me a line via comment.

Good News for our english friends: Two new translations by Marion are online:

Healing V – the Gospel I – Redemption
Healing VI- The Gospel II – Healing is part of salvation

Thanks again for your beautiful translations. And: I am always looking for translators. If you would like to help me out on this, please drop me … weiterlesen »

Especially for our english-speaking friends, here is a new translation: screaming! The original post was published in 2009 and the translation was done by Sandra. Thank you! If you are interested in doing a translation, please drop me a line.

Good News for our international friends: a new english post is online. Thank you, Sandra, for the translation!
By the way: I am always looking for translators. If you are interested, please drop me a line.

A new post in english: Healing 2 – the commission and the kingdom.
Thank you Marion! I am always looking for translators, if you would like to translate one or more posts please drop me a line.

Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials. Every stumbling block must become a stepping stone, and every opposition must become an opportunity.1
[Smith Wigglesworth]
Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great … weiterlesen »

Truly the Word of God changes a man until He becomes an „epistle of God“. It transforms his mind, changes his character, moves him on from grace to grace, and makes him an inheritor of the very nature of God. God comes in, dwells in, walks in, talks through, and sups with him who opens … weiterlesen »

Some like to read their Bible in Hebrew. Some… in Greek. I prefer to read mine in the Holy Ghost!1
[Smith Wigglesworth]
Some like to read their Bible in Hebrew. Some… in Greek. I prefer to read mine in the Holy Ghost!2
[Smith Wigglesworth]
Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 98 [↩]Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. … weiterlesen »

Jericho war langweilig. Es gab zwar einiges zu besichtigen, denn immerhin gilt Jericho als eine der ältesten Städte der Welt, aber deshalb war man nicht hergekommen. Die eigentliche Attraktion waren Jesus und seine zwölf Freunde; alle wollten sie sehen. Trotzdem scheint es während ihres Aufenthaltes keine herausragenden Gottesdienste, spektakuläre Heilungen oder interessante Diskussionen mit Pharisäern … weiterlesen »

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