11. Dezember 2009 2

Wigglesworth: count it all joy


Key #1
God´s Kind of Faith
He who is for you is a million times more than all that can be against you… What an advantage it would be if we could just come to a place where we know that everything is within reach of us.1

Key #2
Count it All Joy
God brings us into a place where the difficulties are, where the pressure is, where everything is so difficult that you know there are no possibilities on the human side – God must do it.2

Key #3
Perfect Love
Let me tell you what perfect love is: „He who overcomes the world…believes that Jesus is the Son of God“ (1 John 5,5)… Perfect love means that Jesus has got a grip on your intentions, desires, and thoughts, and has purified everything. Perfect love cannot fear.3

Key #4
The Molding of God
Only melted gold is minted; only moistened clay is molded; only softened wax receives seal; only broken and contrite hearts receive the mark as the Potter turns us on His wheel.4

Key #5
The Mark of the High Calling
Beloved, if God brings you into oneness and the fellowship with the most high God, your nature will quiver in His presence… There is a sanctification of the Spirit where the thoughts are holy, where the life is beautiful with no blemish.5

Key #6
The Hunger for Transformation
Perhaps you have been counting it all sadness until now. Never mind; you turn the scale, and you will get a lot more out of it, more than you ever had before.6

[Smith Wigglesworth]

Key #1
God´s Kind of Faith
He who is for you is a million times more than all that can be against you… What an advantage it would be if we could just come to a place where we know that everything is within reach of us.7

Key #2
Count it All Joy
God brings us into a place where the difficulties are, where the pressure is, where everything is so difficult that you know there are no possibilities on the human side – God must do it.8

Key #3
Perfect Love
Let me tell you what perfect love is: „He who overcomes the world…believes that Jesus is the Son of God“ (1 John 5,5)… Perfect love means that Jesus has got a grip on your intentions, desires, and thoughts, and has purified everything. Perfect love cannot fear.9

Key #4
The Molding of God
Only melted gold is minted; only moistened clay is molded; only softened wax receives seal; only broken and contrite hearts receive the mark as the Potter turns us on His wheel.10

Key #5
The Mark of the High Calling
Beloved, if God brings you into oneness and the fellowship with the most high God, your nature will quiver in His presence… There is a sanctification of the Spirit where the thoughts are holy, where the life is beautiful with no blemish.11

Key #6
The Hunger for Transformation
Perhaps you have been counting it all sadness until now. Never mind; you turn the scale, and you will get a lot more out of it, more than you ever had before.12

[Smith Wigglesworth]

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  1. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 160 []
  2. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 162 []
  3. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 165 []
  4. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 168 []
  5. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 170 []
  6. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 171 []
  7. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 160 []
  8. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 162 []
  9. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 165 []
  10. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 168 []
  11. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 170 []
  12. Madden, Peter J.: The Wigglesworth Standard, S. 171 []

2 Kommentare

  1. Das fand ich kürzlich in einem Rundbrief (White Dove Ministries):

    In 1922 Wigglesworth journeyed to New Zealand for a series of healing campaigns. At the time, he was unknown to New Zealand’s leadership, but with great confidence various pastors rented the Wellington Town Hall to host the meetings. To everyone’s delight, the Lord was wonderfully present in power bringing healing and salvation to scores. The services were so successful that additional meetings were arranged and each was filled to capacity with God healing the most difficult cases of sickness and disease.

    At the conclusion of the campaign one of the host pastors, while walking along the seashore with Wigglesworth, asked what his secret was to walking in demonstrations of God’s power. Wigglesworth responded, „I am sorry you asked me that question, but I will answer it. I am a brokenhearted man. My wife who meant everything to me, died 11 years ago. After the funeral I went back and lay on her grave. I wanted to die there. But God spoke to me and told me to rise up and come away. I told Him if He would give me a double portion of the Spirit—my wife’s and my own—I would go and preach the gospel. God was gracious to me and answered my request. But I sail the high seas alone. I am a lonely man, and many a time all I can do is to weep and weep.“

    A broken and contrite heart was the secret to Wigglesworth’s success with God. It is written in Psalms 51:17,“the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, oh God you will not despise.“

    As the two men continued walking along New Zealand’s seashore, Wigglesworth emphasized what he carried in God was not to be envied, but instead he envied what the last generation will see. Wigglesworth explained that he had experienced three open visions with the Lord. Two of them were already fulfilled at the time of these meetings in 1922. However, he expressed the third would take place after his death. Wigglesworth explained, „Oh it was amazing! Amazing! I cannot tell God’s secrets, but you will remember what I say—this revival we have had is nothing to what God is yet going to do.“

    The pastor to whom these comments were made recorded that he clearly understood Wigglesworth’s comments were directed towards the spiritual outpouring within the generation preceding the Lord’s return. He said, „It was quite evident that the evangelist had a special vision granted to him of the coming outpouring of the Spirit in an unprecedented effusion in the days just before our Lord comes to snatch away the Church.“

    Grüße, Günter

  2. die geschichte ist in dem Kapitel auch zitiert. ursprünglich findet sie sich in george stormonts wigglesworth-biographie (die auch noch lesen will). danke fürs kommentieren, ich bin immer an SW-geschichten und zitaten interessiert.

    segen nach berlin!

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